Special Guest at Hoboken Recorders

We continue to work on our next record across the Hudson River at Hoboken Recorders. We’ve got a great studio set-up over there, and many new songs are underway. This week we were joined by Brendan Ryan, who played a killer accordian part on an alt-country version of our new tune Breaker Breaker. Brendan is a founding member of The Bogmen, and he also collaborates with AC Newman (of The New Pornographers) and Gordon Gano (lead singer of The Violent Femmes). It is a pleasure to have Brendan’s talents on-board.

Saturday, April 12th at The Mercury Lounge

Many thanks to everyone who caught us at Mercury Lounge this past Saturday nite. It’s always a special occasion when we play The Merc, and this was no exception. A fan gave us a mini-disc recording of the show, including our daring cover version of the Men at Work song Overkill. We’ll post it on our myspace page asap.

Our Own Paul McDaniel Meets, Hugs Ray Davies

Item! Last nite at Tortilla Flats, Wormburner guitarist Paul McDaniel spied The Kinks’ Ray Davies standing just a few feet away at the bar. The two aging rockers exchanged pleasantries as Paul excitedly recounted having seen The Kinks’ Come Dancing tour as a youngster more than twenty years ago. The iconic British Invasion songwriter was a perfect English gentleman throughout the entire exchange, even allowing for a brief (if somewhat awkward) embrace before being whisked away to play a solo show uptown at the Beacon Theatre.

New Songs and Bar Matchless in Brooklyn

We’ve been busy recording a batch of new songs in Hoboken. But we’re not too busy to play a show. Our next New York appearance will be on Saturday, March 1st at Bar Matchless in Green Point, Brooklyn. Also on the bill will be Lifeguard Nights and our “sibling band” The Behoovers, celebrating the release of their infectious new album Boca Raton.

The New Year

Happy New Year and a heartfelt thanks for all the love in 2007. It was our best year yet, closing out with a huge headlining slot at Bowery Ballroom, great press, and a Christmas Single that got picked up by more bloggers, podcasters and renegade radio broadcasters than we can begin to account for. 2008 is already off to a thrilling start, with our synth-pop/punk song Astronauts poised to be featured in an independent film (more on that story as it unfolds).