Placed by The Gideons – now on 12-inch vinyl

We’ve inked a deal with Wisconsin-based Wax Off Records, and our new album is now out on 12-inch vinyl. More specifically, clear vinyl with red and yellow splatter. Sure to be a collector’s item, you can pick it up for only $12 at the Wax Off Records website. The album artwork includes a gatefold sleeve with foldout poster, lyrics and liner notes. Each order comes with digital files of the LP, as well as bonus tracks and live in-studio video footage.

One of the digital bonus cuts is an alternate version of the song Jersey Central Power and Light. You can preview it by clicking here.

Bells of St. Ignatius

It’s December, and that means it’s time to dust off your copy of our Christmas Single Bells of St. Ignatius. This tune gets a little more popular every year. Here’s a brand new music video of us performing the song live onstage at The Mercury Lounge in 2009.

Bells of St. Ignatius is already making its way onto this year’s crop of hip holiday playlists. Pick up a copy of the song in the iTunes Music Store for just ninety-nine cents.

Terriers on FX

Listen for Wormburner songs on the next two episodes of Terriers, the critically acclaimed new series on FX. Tune in tonite and on Wednesday December 1st at 10PM.

Song of the Day at KEXP

Wormburner’s own “Pike City Proper” is being featured on-air and is available today for free download at Seattle’s KEXP. The song can also be accessed by subscribing via iTunes to the
KEXP Song of the Day podcast.

KEXP can be heard in New York City at 91.5 FM. Our new album remains in heavy rotation on KEXP and on independent radio stations nationwide.

Airplay at WFUV

Wormburner can now be heard on New York City’s 90.7 FM WFUV. The Fordham University station is playing our song ‘Peekskill’ on their evening indie rock show called The Alternate Side. Click here for a short teaser video of Wormburner playing ‘Peekskill’ live in Brooklyn this past summer.

KEXP is playing our new record

Our new record is now charting at Seattle’s KEXP, the bellwether of indie rock radio in America. The signal also broadcasts at 91.5 FM in New York City. It’s a great station so make sure to tune in. They’re playing a whole bunch of songs from our new album…like NINE SONGS DEEP into the record! But who’s counting…

Album review by zZounds Music News

The reviewers at zZounds Music News had this to say about our new record:

Armed with a tight-knit musicality and a broad lyrical range, NY quintet Wormburner takes an innovative approach to the well-worn genre of narrative-heavy rock. Frontman Steve Henry has a rare voice, reminiscent of John Darnielle, Hutch Harris, and other confessional, impassioned singers. However, rather than oversell the vocal, listeners can detect a hint of a smirk in the delivery – on tunes like “Peekskill”, the generally grim lyric comes off like dark humor from a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Their most recent record, “Placed By The Gideons”, provides ample evidence of the songcraft at work. The album hits all the bases, with melodies that seem to appear only on repeat listens and a quietly stated cleverness reminiscent of Camper Van Beethoven (whose lead singer, David Lowery, produced Wormburner’s debut LP – small world!)

Review of Williamsburg show

Brooklyn blog Lucid Culture published a nice review of last week’s show in Williamsburg, citing us for “blasting through one fiery, smartly lyrically-driven anthem after another….concluding with ‘The Interstate’, a towering, distantly Springsteenish highway alienation anthem“. Read the full review here .