Neutral Milk Hotel’s “Holland 1945”

Introducing our cover version of “Holland 1945” by Neutral Milk Hotel. Many thanks to Under the Gun for the great write-up. We debuted this version of the song last night onstage at New York City’s Mercury Lounge, and by some strange coincidence, on the very same evening, Stephen Colbert chose to play the original version of “Holland 1945” at the ending of his TV show. Spooky!

Vinyl is back in stock!

After selling out the initial pressing, 12-inch vinyl is now back in stock! Featuring a full-color gatefold sleeve, lyric sheets and premium heavyweight vinyl, all purchases include a FREE digital download of the entire LP, plus a FREE copy of the seven-inch single “Today Might Be Our Day” b/w “Parliaments On Sundays” (an alternate version of the album track). Order via this DIVE RECORDS link or, better yet, buy your copy in-person at our Thursday night Mercury Lounge show!

Another Review of our new LP

Aquarian Weekly has published a nice review of our new LP, saying that Wormburner “effortlessly melds indie, punk, power pop, and rock into a diverse, yet cohesive sound.” Click here to read the full piece!

Song of the Day on KEXP in Seattle

We’re the featured Song of the Day today at KEXP! This is the second time we’ve had this honor bestowed upon us by Seattle’s indie rock king-makers. Tune in this afternoon and/or subscribe to the KEXP Song of the Day Podcast for a free digital download of our new song “Somewhere Else To Be”.

NYC Taper features Wormburner

NYC Taper recorded our live show at Mercury Lounge last Friday, and claims to have “caught a pretty strong whiff of some of the better post-grunge bands, especially the mostly-forgotten Harvey Danger.” Click here to listen to the full set or even just a couple of select tracks.